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Project 365: Week 8

Week 8: February 19th to February 25th

50  Tickly-kisses from Daddy because of his mustache :) (Side note: Hubby shaved his mustache the next day)

51  Paint and sponge brushes from the Warrior Princess at church.

52  Not so healthy breakfast. We decided to buy donuts from a local donuts shoppe for breakfast since Hubby was off from work. Nathaniel had more fun breaking it to pieces than actually eating it.

53  Some of the ingredients for the Slow Cooker Creamy Split Pea soup: split green peas, sweet potatoes, garlic, and onions.

54  Nathaniel had a runny nose and refused to sleep unless he is held. I decided to bring him in our bedroom and after taking a 15 minute nap with him, I carefully crawled out of bed and quietly snapped this photo. He looked so small on our king-sized bed.

55  Hershey Kiss

56  Calla Lilies viewed through our rainy-wet windows

Linking up to:

The Daily Wyatt: 365 Days in Pictures
NapTimeMomTog: Project 365
Becoming a Strong Woman of God: Capturing Life... One Photo at a Time
BlueEyedGirl Photography: A Daily Picture Project


  1. What a great week! I loooove split pea soup ;)

  2. Love this week pic!! I am in love with the one of your hubby with your son, that is just priceless!! Keep capturing those pic girl!! hugs

  3. Lots of great photos this week! Love the ingredients for the soup and the lily. Day 54 is really sweet too.

  4. Great shots! I really like the Kiss photo... has a vintage feel :)

  5. sweet shots * especially the Calla Lily in the rain ;)

  6. I love daddy's picture. A new follower.

  7. Hmm.. the split pea soup sounds yummy.

  8. You take such amazing shots. I love your week. That Kiss one is great. And the lilies too. Oh, and the sleeping baby too. Always love a sleeping baby :D

  9. I love all your shots (I always do)! My favorites this week are the doughnut shot and the daddy kisses! So cute

  10. Wonderful photos. I love them all, especially 50, 55 & 56. Thanks for linking up.

  11. I love 50!! So cute! And the processing on the Hershey kiss is REALLY great! Love it! :)

    Can you please share that split pea soup recipe. I would love to make that. Sweet potatoes? I never would have thought!

    Thanks for linking up again and visiting my blog! :)

  12. still loving your photos! The lily is a great shot!

  13. These are awesome. Poor kiddo, but that's so sweet that he wants his momma. Definitely good to remember these days when he's all grown up.


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