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Three Years Down

Three years ago, my husband went to MCRD San Diego for Marine Corps bootcamp. Since then we became a family of three, have celebrated three years of marriage, endured four major moves, lived in three different states, became first time homeowners and have been promoted twice. I still don't know if this is the career for us. If you ask Dean, he'll say yes in an instant. Some days I'm all for making it a career. Some days I just want to pack our bags and move back to Indiana. Thankfully, we still have at least a year to go before we have to make the decision about re-enlisting. So for now, I'm just going to try to enjoy this chapter of our lives.

I'm proudly wearing his company's t-shirt today.

April 20, 2009 Indianapolis International Airport
Bible. Song Book. His and fellow recruits' paperwork. Clothes on his back.
And a newly opened chapter.
