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The Simple Woman's Daybook

The Simple Woman's Daybook
For Today (September 28, 2010)

Outside my window... Sunny 64 Degrees. Today is our last day of highs in the 70s :(

I am thinking wondering... what I could do to make Nathaniel nap for more than 45 minutes (x2) during the day.

I am thankful for... Nathaniel sleeping through the night. If you told me nine months ago that I'd be sleeping 7+ hours again, I wouldn't have believed you!

From the kitchen... clean dishes that need to be unloaded from the dishwasher.

I am wearing... my 2005 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation volunteer shirt and black shorts

I am going... to the library. Last time I went, I was still pregnant! Didn't help that we also moved to a different state so I'm not familiar with everything.

I am reading... Second Chance by Jane Green. I bought this book two years ago at Half Price Bookstore and just now reading it.

I am hoping/praying... my husband does well on his exam this Thursday.

I am hearing... Dora the Explorer. Nathaniel loves her!

Around the house... the usual: baby toys.

One of my favorite things... Snuggling with my little one every morning for about an hour before getting out of bed and starting our day.

Inspired by the church song... "Now let us have a little talk with Jesus, let us tell Him all about our troubles. He will hear our faintest cry, and He will answer by and by. Now when you feel a little prayer wheel turning, then you'll know a little fire is burning. You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right!"

A few plans for the rest of the week...  Final cake class (and Hubby has an exam) on Thursday; Arab Fair in San Francisco on Saturday; work on Sunday---but is this even really worth mentioning anymore? I've been getting canceled due to low census for the last 1 1/2 month!

Here is a picture I am sharing... My family in Indiana. My cousin is visiting them right now and wishing I was there too :(

(L-R) Dad, Brother-in-law, Sister, Nephew, Cousin, Mom
I love how my dad's shirt looks like it's eating my BIL!
