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Well Baby Visit (One Month Old)

Weight: 8 pounds, 7 ounces
Height: 21.25 inches
Head Circumference: 14.5 cm

Amelia had her one month well baby visit yesterday. Our baby girl is healthy and growing nicely. This is a huge relief since we battled with weight gain during the first couple weeks. 

Before leaving the hospital, Amelia dropped to 6 pounds, 8 ounces (she was 7 lbs, 2 oz at birth). We went to the doctor's office everyday when she was only a few days old for weight checks and because she wasn't making a lot of urine (just one to two wet diapers a day!). The pediatrician wanted me to supplement with formula but we pleaded to try to offer nursing every hour to couple hours.  If she continued to lose weight, then we would supplement. The doctor was hesitant and stated that if she lost any more or didn't gain any weight in the next 24 hours, Amelia may need to be hospitalized. This was definitely not something we wanted to hear, but Dean and I talked and prayed about it and decided to forego formula (doctor was aware of our decision). We did this because I know that if I supplement, my milk supply and breastfeeding itself could be compromised. Thankfully, my milk came in that evening and Amelia managed to gain an ounce. That tiny weight gain and the fact that she was now making at least six wet and dirty diapers a day were enough to make the doctor back off the supplement suggestion. We continued to monitor her weight with a few more visits and by her second week well baby visit, she was above her weight birth (7 lbs, 5 oz)!
