43 Lunch at Earth Fare. Beautiful lighting.
44 The Easter Bunny was going to bring this "fire nation" rain coat to Nathaniel but it has been raining for the past few days so I finally let him wear it to school. His boots (from the EB last year) barely fits now but Hubby isn't so keen about letting me buy $75 Hunter wellies boots. But in all seriousness, I am trying to live vicariously through our son because what I really want is this.
45 Valentine's Day gifts. His: Sperrys. Hers: Minnetonka moccasins.
46 I have trouble paying for hummus unless it's from an authentic Middle Eastern restaurant. Because otherwise, it doesn't tastes great and is usually very overpriced. The tahini I used to make this is not as roasted, therefore the taste is not as strong as I prefer. These are the times I miss living in California where so many varieties of oriental ingredients are easily accessible.
47 Oh, these two. Man's best friend for sure. Nathaniel says Riley is his "rescue dog."
48 Lunch with MacAskie at Steak and Shake.
49 Breakfast: Egg and cheese on an English muffin, blueberries and banana.
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