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We were originally going to dress Nathaniel as a mouse for Halloween because of his love for cheese. However, we could not find anything that we really liked. Well a few weeks ago, my mother-in-law sent my husband's old Sailor outfit (Dean's dad was in the Navy). Nathaniel looked adorable in it and I love that this "costume" used to be his Daddy's and that it is almost a quarter of a century old.

We weren't going to dress up for Adam & Candice's Halloween party but then we decided to poke fun of our old lives. Dean went as a super fat paramedic wearing his old, old uniform when he used to work for an ambulance service. I dressed up as a nurse (I know, I know what a big leap) but the first scrub I wore had fake blood on it that Dean dyed and decorated but it looked pretty realistic to me so I changed quickly after showing everybody.

Candice (the one next to me in the picture) was Mrs. Dracula and I forgot to take a picture of her other half (Adam = Dracula) along with the others that chose to dress up. One of Hubby's coworkers came as Snow White. I absolutely loved her costume and even more so that her mother made it!
